Search for daily geyser activity, geysers, and users
You can search for entries on a specific date or for a specific geyser, or search for a specific user.
Find the geyser activity on a specific date
- Website
- Android
- iOS
- Visit GeyserTimes with your browser.
- In the top toolbar, enter the specific date in the search text field.
- Search for the specific date.
Search using any of these date formats: yyyy-mm-dd, m/d/yy, d [full month name] yyyy, or [three letter month abbreviation] d, yyyy.
- Open the GeyserTimes app.
- In the top app bar, tap the Search icon 🔎.
- In the top app bar, tap the Date icon 📅 next to the search text field.
- Enter the specific date with the date picker.
- Search for the specific date.
- Open the GeyserTimes app.
- In the top app bar, tap the Date icon 📅.
- Enter the specific date with the date picker.
- Search for the specific date.
Find a specific geyser
- Website
- Android
- iOS
- Visit GeyserTimes with your browser.
- In the top toolbar, enter the specific geyser in the search text field.
- Hit enter or select from the dropdown menu.
- Open the GeyserTimes app.
- In the top app bar, tap the Search icon 🔎.
- Enter the specific geyser in the search text field.
- Search for the specific geyser.
- Open the GeyserTimes app.
- In the top app bar, tap the Search icon 🔎.
- Enter the specific geyser in the search text field.
- Search for the specific geyser.
Find a specific user
- Website
- Android
- iOS
- Visit GeyserTimes with your browser.
- In the top toolbar, click Retrieve.
- Enter the specific user in the search text field of User Search.
- Click Search.
- Open the GeyserTimes app.
- In the top app bar, tap the Search icon 🔎.
- Enter the specific user in the search text field.
- Search for the specific user.
- Open the GeyserTimes app.
- In the top app bar, tap the Search icon 🔎.
- Enter the specific user in the search text field.
- Search for the specific user.